How many times have you got bored and closed the browser when a site takes too long to get loaded? Loading speed of a site is an important component in measuring the visitors’ experience. It is a no-brainier to understand that the more time your site would take to get downloaded, more is your chance of losing visitors. Fast web hosting would ensure the visitor would spend at least some time on your site.
Google is known to change its algorithm often and the actual formula upon which Google would give ranks to sites is not yet known to the mass. The algorithm of Google is a well kept secret. The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry , however, time-to-time have delved into the abysmal of Google’s secrets to find out the truths behind Google’s page ranking.
Over the period of time it has been observed that Google is increasingly taking into consideration the visitors’ experience on a site to award page rank to the site. Since, the loading time of a site is an important component of measuring visitors’ experience, litespeed hosting is increasingly becoming popular amongst the Webmasters.
How important is load speed of your site?
Google is known to take into consideration the load speed of the site for ranking purpose. Quite understandably, if your site takes a long time to get loaded, most likely the visitors would move away from it without viewing. Hence, your site can lose the top position despite strong SEO and great content, if it is slow in getting loaded. This is the reason SEO experts would discourage uses of free hosting sites for hosting websites.
Inclusion of video files and images can further slowdown a site. Too much Javascripts and CSS Stylesheets would also affect the speed of the site. Fast web hosting would, therefore, become important for any website to secure the top position in Google.
Litespeed hosting sites, on the other hand, can help with fast page load and therefore, improve visitors experience. Litespeed hosting servers can make your site six times faster than its current loading time.
How to test the loading speed of your site?
For any Webmaster it is important to know what time his site would take to get loaded on a browser. There are several load testing tools available in the market. Speed Tracer for Chrome and YSlow extension for FireFox from Yahoo are great tools for testing speed of a website. Also, one can check loading speed of the site from Google Webmaster Tools.
The load testing tools would help you compare the speed of your site in free hosting sites and fast web hosting sites.
Since Internet is used mainly for the fast access of information, hence, when a page is slow the relevance of the information becomes unimportant to the user. According to Google, most visitors would move away from a site if it takes too long to get loaded. Litespeed hosting can ensure that your page would take the minimum time to get loaded. Fast web hosting would become more popular in the coming days.